K-Pop News

Hier erfährst Du, was gerade so in der K-Pop Welt passiert - egal ob Comebacksoder sonstige aktuelle Ereignisse, mit uns bist Du immer bestens informiert!

K-Pop News

Hier erfährst Du, was gerade so in der K-Pop Welt passiert - egal ob Comebacksoder sonstige aktuelle Ereignisse, mit uns bist Du immer bestens informiert!

Wähle zwischen zwei Season's Greetings von Dreamcatcher!

Choose between two Season's Greetings from Dreamcatcher!

Nov 24, 2022 Helen Bosch

With so many Season's Greetings being announced almost daily, we can hardly keep up with introducing them to you! Today it's Dreamcatcher's turn: The girl group has released not one, but two different Season's Greetings. The choice is yours!

WayV hat nach 20 Monaten endlich ein Comeback angekündigt!

WayV has finally announced a comeback after 20 months!

Nov 23, 2022 Helen Bosch

It's been over 20 months since WayV last released an album! Luckily, the boy band announced a comeback today, so there's finally a light at the end of the tunnel! The album is called "Phantom" and will be released on December 12.

SHINee's Minho gibt mit

SHINee's Minho finally makes his solo debut with "Chase"!

Nov 23, 2022 Helen Bosch

Countless SHINee fans have been waiting for this moment for years: Minho has finally announced his first solo album! It's called "Chase" and can be pre-ordered starting today! With this Minho completes the series of solo debut albums of the five SHINee members.

Welche K-Pop Alben wurden in 2022 am meisten verkauft?

Welche K-Pop Alben wurden in 2022 am meisten verkauft?

Nov 22, 2022 Helen Bosch

Wir haben uns die Liste der meistverkauften Alben in Südkorea angesehen, die alle Alben aufzählt, von denen eine Million Exemplare oder mehr verkauft wurden. Welche Alben haben es dieses Jahr in die Liste geschafft? Welcher Künstler ist zum ersten Mal dabei? Diese Fragen beantworten wir hier!

Mamamoo, Wonho und mehr haben heute ihre 2023 Season's Greetings angekündigt!

Mamamoo, Wonho and more announced their 2023 Season's Greetings today!

Nov 22, 2022 Helen Bosch

Currently, a whole bunch of new Season's Greetings for 2023 are announced every week, and we're continuing with that today! Yesterday we welcomed packages from Kep1er, YOUNITE and N.Flying to our store. Today they are joined by Mamamoo, Wonho and Oneus among others!

Jetzt kannst du die ersten Season's Greetings von Kep1er vorbestellen!

Now you can pre-order the first Season's Greetings from Kep1er!

Nov 21, 2022 Helen Bosch

The girl group Kep1er debuted in January and has since released three albums, participated in the music competition "Queendom" and captured the hearts of fans worldwide. Finally, the girl group will release their 2023 Season's Greetings package on December 21!

NCT Dream veröffentlicht ein Remake von H.O.T's Hit Candy!

NCT Dream releases a remake of H.O.T's hit Candy!

Nov 21, 2022 Helen Bosch

NCT Dream has already released two very successful albums this year with Glitch Mode and Beatbox. Starting today, you can pre-order the boy group's third album this year: The Winter Special Album "Candy"! The title track "Candy" is a remake of the boygroup's 1996 hit H.O.T!

Day6 bringt die Alben Sunrise und Moonrise als Kassetten heraus!

Day6 releases the albums Sunrise and Moonrise as cassettes!

Nov 18, 2022 Helen Bosch

On December 28th, new limited editions of two old Day6 albums will be released: Sunrise and Moonrise. The two albums were originally released in 2017 and are now making a comeback! The new limited editions are just right for nostalgics, because they are cassettes!

Jin’s Fotobuch ist jetzt bei Nolae erhältlich!

Jin's photo book is now available at Nolae!

Nov 18, 2022 Helen Bosch

Jin has just released his first solo album "The Astronaut", which many fans consider a kind of farewell gift, as the singer will probably start his military service this year. Now Jin has unveiled yet another parting gift: His own photo book!

Wähle zwischen zwei Season's Greetings von Dreamcatcher!

Choose between two Season's Greetings from Dreamcatcher!

Nov 24, 2022 Helen Bosch

With so many Season's Greetings being announced almost daily, we can hardly keep up with introducing them to you! Today it's Dreamcatcher's turn: The girl group has released not one, but two different Season's Greetings. The choice is yours!

WayV hat nach 20 Monaten endlich ein Comeback angekündigt!

WayV has finally announced a comeback after 20 months!

Nov 23, 2022 Helen Bosch

It's been over 20 months since WayV last released an album! Luckily, the boy band announced a comeback today, so there's finally a light at the end of the tunnel! The album is called "Phantom" and will be released on December 12.

SHINee's Minho gibt mit

SHINee's Minho finally makes his solo debut with "Chase"!

Nov 23, 2022 Helen Bosch

Countless SHINee fans have been waiting for this moment for years: Minho has finally announced his first solo album! It's called "Chase" and can be pre-ordered starting today! With this Minho completes the series of solo debut albums of the five SHINee members.

Welche K-Pop Alben wurden in 2022 am meisten verkauft?

Welche K-Pop Alben wurden in 2022 am meisten verkauft?

Nov 22, 2022 Helen Bosch

Wir haben uns die Liste der meistverkauften Alben in Südkorea angesehen, die alle Alben aufzählt, von denen eine Million Exemplare oder mehr verkauft wurden. Welche Alben haben es dieses Jahr in die Liste geschafft? Welcher Künstler ist zum ersten Mal dabei? Diese Fragen beantworten wir hier!

Mamamoo, Wonho und mehr haben heute ihre 2023 Season's Greetings angekündigt!

Mamamoo, Wonho and more announced their 2023 Season's Greetings today!

Nov 22, 2022 Helen Bosch

Currently, a whole bunch of new Season's Greetings for 2023 are announced every week, and we're continuing with that today! Yesterday we welcomed packages from Kep1er, YOUNITE and N.Flying to our store. Today they are joined by Mamamoo, Wonho and Oneus among others!

Jetzt kannst du die ersten Season's Greetings von Kep1er vorbestellen!

Now you can pre-order the first Season's Greetings from Kep1er!

Nov 21, 2022 Helen Bosch

The girl group Kep1er debuted in January and has since released three albums, participated in the music competition "Queendom" and captured the hearts of fans worldwide. Finally, the girl group will release their 2023 Season's Greetings package on December 21!

NCT Dream veröffentlicht ein Remake von H.O.T's Hit Candy!

NCT Dream releases a remake of H.O.T's hit Candy!

Nov 21, 2022 Helen Bosch

NCT Dream has already released two very successful albums this year with Glitch Mode and Beatbox. Starting today, you can pre-order the boy group's third album this year: The Winter Special Album "Candy"! The title track "Candy" is a remake of the boygroup's 1996 hit H.O.T!

Day6 bringt die Alben Sunrise und Moonrise als Kassetten heraus!

Day6 releases the albums Sunrise and Moonrise as cassettes!

Nov 18, 2022 Helen Bosch

On December 28th, new limited editions of two old Day6 albums will be released: Sunrise and Moonrise. The two albums were originally released in 2017 and are now making a comeback! The new limited editions are just right for nostalgics, because they are cassettes!

Jin’s Fotobuch ist jetzt bei Nolae erhältlich!

Jin's photo book is now available at Nolae!

Nov 18, 2022 Helen Bosch

Jin has just released his first solo album "The Astronaut", which many fans consider a kind of farewell gift, as the singer will probably start his military service this year. Now Jin has unveiled yet another parting gift: His own photo book!

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