K-Pop News

Hier erfährst Du, was gerade so in der K-Pop Welt passiert - egal ob Comebacksoder sonstige aktuelle Ereignisse, mit uns bist Du immer bestens informiert!

K-Pop News

Hier erfährst Du, was gerade so in der K-Pop Welt passiert - egal ob Comebacksoder sonstige aktuelle Ereignisse, mit uns bist Du immer bestens informiert!

BTS setzt sich in Washington DC gegen Diskriminierung von Asiaten ein!

BTS stands up against discrimination towards Asians in Washington DC!

Jun 02, 2022 Helen Bosch

Nowadays, it's almost impossible to miss something as a K-Pop fan when it comes to BTS. That's why you surely know that the popular boy group traveled to Washington DC to discuss hate crimes against Asians with Joe Biden, the President of the United States of America.

Omega X veröffentlichen bald ihr erstes Full Album!

Omega X will release their first full album soon!

Jun 02, 2022 Helen Bosch

In half a month the boy group will return to the stage with their first full album "Story Written in Music"! So fans can look forward to more than 5 new songs for their playlist! As before, there are two different versions to choose from. Both can be pre-ordered at Nolae!

Aespa kündigt ein Comeback mit

Aespa announces a comeback with "Girls" in July!

Jun 01, 2022 Helen Bosch

Last night, an announcement from SM Entertainment sent K-Pop fans worldwide into a frenzy: Aespa will release a new album on July 8! So 9 months after the first album "Savage", which was released on October 5, 2021, there is finally a sequel!

Die Woche wird kürzer: Shin Jiyoon verlässt Weeekly.

The week gets shorter: Shin Jiyoon leaves Weeekly.

Jun 01, 2022 Helen Bosch

Weeekly is a relatively young girl group that debuted in June 2020 with their debut album "We Are". Most may be familiar with their song "After School," which went viral early last year. Today, the group's agency announced that Shin Jiyoon is leaving the group.

Queendom 2 geht aufs Ende zu! Wer ist dein Favorit?

Queendom 2 is coming to an end! Who is your favorite?

May 31, 2022 Helen Bosch

Most K-Pop fans will have heard of the survival show "Queendom", where 6 girl groups compete against each other to crown a winner at the end. If you missed the second season, there's just enough time to prepare for the live finale on June 2!

Endlich kennen wir mehr Details zu Nayeon's Solo Album!

Finally we know more details about Nayeon's solo album!

May 24, 2022 Helen Bosch

There are four different versions to choose from! Nayeon doesn't do things halfway and we couldn't be happier about it! In the album preview that appeared on Twitter yesterday, we're introduced to the contents of the versions - A, B, C & D - in more detail.

Es gibt aufregende Neuigkeiten von fromis_9!

There is exciting news from fromis_9!

May 24, 2022 Helen Bosch

fromis_9 is set to release a new mini album at the end of June with all nine of them! Most recently, the girl group, which is now 4 years old, presented their album "Midnight Guest" with the title track "DM" in January. Since then, the members have apparently been working on new music!

Großartige Neuigkeiten: Nayeon gibt im Juni ihr Solodebüt!

Great news: Nayeon makes her solo debut in June!

May 19, 2022 Helen Bosch

Nayeon has shown how beautiful her voice is many times with covers of songs like Ariana Grande's "Santa Tell Me." She is the first member of Twice to release her own album. We have no doubt that the talented singer will dominate the stage on her own!

Mein Besuch auf dem KPOP.FLEX Festival in Frankfurt!

My visit at the KPOP.FLEX Festival in Frankfurt!

May 17, 2022 Helen Bosch

I was there on Sunday, May 15 and would like to share my experience with you. Especially for those who could not be there. Maybe also to decide if it's worth visiting next year, because KPOP.FLEX has already announced new dates for 2023!

BTS setzt sich in Washington DC gegen Diskriminierung von Asiaten ein!

BTS stands up against discrimination towards Asians in Washington DC!

Jun 02, 2022 Helen Bosch

Nowadays, it's almost impossible to miss something as a K-Pop fan when it comes to BTS. That's why you surely know that the popular boy group traveled to Washington DC to discuss hate crimes against Asians with Joe Biden, the President of the United States of America.

Omega X veröffentlichen bald ihr erstes Full Album!

Omega X will release their first full album soon!

Jun 02, 2022 Helen Bosch

In half a month the boy group will return to the stage with their first full album "Story Written in Music"! So fans can look forward to more than 5 new songs for their playlist! As before, there are two different versions to choose from. Both can be pre-ordered at Nolae!

Aespa kündigt ein Comeback mit

Aespa announces a comeback with "Girls" in July!

Jun 01, 2022 Helen Bosch

Last night, an announcement from SM Entertainment sent K-Pop fans worldwide into a frenzy: Aespa will release a new album on July 8! So 9 months after the first album "Savage", which was released on October 5, 2021, there is finally a sequel!

Die Woche wird kürzer: Shin Jiyoon verlässt Weeekly.

The week gets shorter: Shin Jiyoon leaves Weeekly.

Jun 01, 2022 Helen Bosch

Weeekly is a relatively young girl group that debuted in June 2020 with their debut album "We Are". Most may be familiar with their song "After School," which went viral early last year. Today, the group's agency announced that Shin Jiyoon is leaving the group.

Queendom 2 geht aufs Ende zu! Wer ist dein Favorit?

Queendom 2 is coming to an end! Who is your favorite?

May 31, 2022 Helen Bosch

Most K-Pop fans will have heard of the survival show "Queendom", where 6 girl groups compete against each other to crown a winner at the end. If you missed the second season, there's just enough time to prepare for the live finale on June 2!

Endlich kennen wir mehr Details zu Nayeon's Solo Album!

Finally we know more details about Nayeon's solo album!

May 24, 2022 Helen Bosch

There are four different versions to choose from! Nayeon doesn't do things halfway and we couldn't be happier about it! In the album preview that appeared on Twitter yesterday, we're introduced to the contents of the versions - A, B, C & D - in more detail.

Es gibt aufregende Neuigkeiten von fromis_9!

There is exciting news from fromis_9!

May 24, 2022 Helen Bosch

fromis_9 is set to release a new mini album at the end of June with all nine of them! Most recently, the girl group, which is now 4 years old, presented their album "Midnight Guest" with the title track "DM" in January. Since then, the members have apparently been working on new music!

Großartige Neuigkeiten: Nayeon gibt im Juni ihr Solodebüt!

Great news: Nayeon makes her solo debut in June!

May 19, 2022 Helen Bosch

Nayeon has shown how beautiful her voice is many times with covers of songs like Ariana Grande's "Santa Tell Me." She is the first member of Twice to release her own album. We have no doubt that the talented singer will dominate the stage on her own!

Mein Besuch auf dem KPOP.FLEX Festival in Frankfurt!

My visit at the KPOP.FLEX Festival in Frankfurt!

May 17, 2022 Helen Bosch

I was there on Sunday, May 15 and would like to share my experience with you. Especially for those who could not be there. Maybe also to decide if it's worth visiting next year, because KPOP.FLEX has already announced new dates for 2023!

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