K-Pop Artists

Du willst noch mehr über Deine Idols oder über K-Pop Newcomer erfahren? Dann bist Du hier genau richtig. Wir arbeiten aktuell daran Info-Seiten für die verschiedenen K-Pop Bands und Solokünstler zusammen zustellen, damit Ihr immer bestens informiert seid!

K-Pop Artists

Du willst noch mehr über Deine Idols oder über K-Pop Newcomer erfahren? Dann bist Du hier genau richtig. Wir arbeiten aktuell daran Info-Seiten für die verschiedenen K-Pop Bands und Solokünstler zusammen zustellen, damit Ihr immer bestens informiert seid!

C.N.BLUE - Startschwierigkeiten, Chartstürmer und Solokarrieren!

C.N.BLUE - starting difficulties, chart toppers and solo careers!

Jan 04, 2022 Helen Bosch

C.N.BLUE is a three-piece rock band that has been in business for over ten years and still regularly releases new albums for their fans! This makes them one of the few idol bands that play their own instruments and shows that rock is also very popular among K-Pop fans.

Day6 - Ein Blick zurück auf die Geschichte der Band

Day6 - A look back at the history of the band

Dec 22, 2021 Helen Bosch

On September 7, 2015, Day6 finally debuted with their first album "The Day" and the title track "Congratulations." Over the next few months, the band held a concert in Korea, one in Taiwan, and even a fan meeting in Singapore in September.

Über einen leuchtenden Stern am K-Pop Himmel: Monsta X

About a shining star in the K-pop sky: Monsta X

Dec 15, 2021 Helen Bosch

Monsta X is a six-member boy group that burst into the K-pop scene with a lot of power in 2015 and is still one of the most popular third-generation groups today. Strong voices, an aggressive style and a combination of hip hop, EDM and pop continue to thrill fans of the boy group to this day!

Chungha: Sängerin, Tänzerin und Choreografin!

Chungha: singer, dancer and choreographer!

Dec 07, 2021 Helen Bosch

Chungha is a solo artist who has been showing what she is made of with every new album for 5 years now! Chungha first enchanted her fans in 2016 as part of the project group I.O.I. In 2017 she debuted solo and since then she keeps proving that she was born for the stage!

NCT - NCT Dream, WayV und künftige Aktivitäten

NCT - NCT Dream, WayV and future activities

Nov 15, 2021 Helen Bosch

Welcome back! In our last article "NCT - The Origin: NCT U & NCT 127" we told you how the biggest K-Pop band in the world was created. Today we would like to continue the story and take a look at the two units "NCT Dream" and "WayV" together with you.

NCT - Der Ursprung: NCT U & NCT 127

NCT - The origin: NCT U & NCT 127

Nov 05, 2021 Helen Bosch

If we had to describe NCT with a few short keywords, we would probably choose "infinite members", "constantly changing subunits" and "unusual concept". Whatever it is, it works. NCT now has hundreds of fans around the world!

Dies ist die Story einer Girlgroup die unsere Herzen berührt: Twice

This is the story of a girl group that touches our hearts: Twice

Oct 22, 2021 Helen Bosch

Nine-member girl group Twice is best known for their cute concepts and upbeat music. It didn't take long for the group to reach the top of the charts, and today it's hard to imagine the K-pop scene without them! Let's take a look at how Twice came to be!

2PM - Debüt, Militärdienst und zukünftige Projekte!

2PM - debut, military service and future projects!

Oct 11, 2021 Helen Bosch

2PM is a six-piece boy band that recently released a new album, making it clear that we will continue to hear from them even after just over 13 years! A great achievement, because only a handful of idol groups have reached this age so far.

Loona - eine Girlgroup, auf die es sich zu warten lohnt!

Loona - a girl group worth waiting for!

Oct 06, 2021 Helen Bosch

The members of the girl group Loona were already active as a group before their debut and their pre-debut story is unique. Over 20 months, a total of 17 albums were released! And this despite the fact that the girl group only officially debuted on August 19, 2018!

C.N.BLUE - Startschwierigkeiten, Chartstürmer und Solokarrieren!

C.N.BLUE - starting difficulties, chart toppers and solo careers!

Jan 04, 2022 Helen Bosch

C.N.BLUE is a three-piece rock band that has been in business for over ten years and still regularly releases new albums for their fans! This makes them one of the few idol bands that play their own instruments and shows that rock is also very popular among K-Pop fans.

Day6 - Ein Blick zurück auf die Geschichte der Band

Day6 - A look back at the history of the band

Dec 22, 2021 Helen Bosch

On September 7, 2015, Day6 finally debuted with their first album "The Day" and the title track "Congratulations." Over the next few months, the band held a concert in Korea, one in Taiwan, and even a fan meeting in Singapore in September.

Über einen leuchtenden Stern am K-Pop Himmel: Monsta X

About a shining star in the K-pop sky: Monsta X

Dec 15, 2021 Helen Bosch

Monsta X is a six-member boy group that burst into the K-pop scene with a lot of power in 2015 and is still one of the most popular third-generation groups today. Strong voices, an aggressive style and a combination of hip hop, EDM and pop continue to thrill fans of the boy group to this day!

Chungha: Sängerin, Tänzerin und Choreografin!

Chungha: singer, dancer and choreographer!

Dec 07, 2021 Helen Bosch

Chungha is a solo artist who has been showing what she is made of with every new album for 5 years now! Chungha first enchanted her fans in 2016 as part of the project group I.O.I. In 2017 she debuted solo and since then she keeps proving that she was born for the stage!

NCT - NCT Dream, WayV und künftige Aktivitäten

NCT - NCT Dream, WayV and future activities

Nov 15, 2021 Helen Bosch

Welcome back! In our last article "NCT - The Origin: NCT U & NCT 127" we told you how the biggest K-Pop band in the world was created. Today we would like to continue the story and take a look at the two units "NCT Dream" and "WayV" together with you.

NCT - Der Ursprung: NCT U & NCT 127

NCT - The origin: NCT U & NCT 127

Nov 05, 2021 Helen Bosch

If we had to describe NCT with a few short keywords, we would probably choose "infinite members", "constantly changing subunits" and "unusual concept". Whatever it is, it works. NCT now has hundreds of fans around the world!

Dies ist die Story einer Girlgroup die unsere Herzen berührt: Twice

This is the story of a girl group that touches our hearts: Twice

Oct 22, 2021 Helen Bosch

Nine-member girl group Twice is best known for their cute concepts and upbeat music. It didn't take long for the group to reach the top of the charts, and today it's hard to imagine the K-pop scene without them! Let's take a look at how Twice came to be!

2PM - Debüt, Militärdienst und zukünftige Projekte!

2PM - debut, military service and future projects!

Oct 11, 2021 Helen Bosch

2PM is a six-piece boy band that recently released a new album, making it clear that we will continue to hear from them even after just over 13 years! A great achievement, because only a handful of idol groups have reached this age so far.

Loona - eine Girlgroup, auf die es sich zu warten lohnt!

Loona - a girl group worth waiting for!

Oct 06, 2021 Helen Bosch

The members of the girl group Loona were already active as a group before their debut and their pre-debut story is unique. Over 20 months, a total of 17 albums were released! And this despite the fact that the girl group only officially debuted on August 19, 2018!

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