Alles über die 4. Generation von K-Pop: 2018/ 2019 bis Heute!
K-Pop Generationen

All about the 4th generation of K-Pop: 2018/ 2019 until today!

In the context of K-Pop, there is always talk of "Generations" into which the various bands are divided. Today we want to dive deeper into the 4th Generation we are currently in: When did it start,...
Music Shows: Ihr Chartsystem und Begriffe die du kennen solltest!
music shows

Music Shows: Their chart system and terms you should know!

Have you ever wondered what criteria are used to determine the winner of music shows every week? In this article we explain the chart system of each show and translate special terms like "Triple Cr...
Kennst du diese Reality Shows aus Südkorea?

Do you know these reality shows from South Korea?

I Live Alone, Law of the Jungle or Begin Again ... If you like watching Korean series but are looking for a change, you've come to the right place. Maybe it's time for you to watch more of the ente...
Beste Unterhaltung: Koreanische Variety Shows!
korean tv

Best entertainment: Korean Variety Shows!

If you're looking for entertainment from South Korea, you'll find it quickly these days; after all, even global streaming services like Netflix now have countless Korean series in their lineup. But...
Dies sind die größten koreanischen Sender und ihre Programme!

These are the biggest Korean channels and their programs!

We'll briefly introduce you to some of the most popular South Korean channels and recommend our favorite entertainment shows: KBS, MBC, SBS & Mnet. We also list all the music shows that are current...
Warum ist Running Man so beliebt!
variety show

Why is Running Man so popular?

The longest running entertainment show in South Korea aired for the very first time on July 11, 2010. We are talking about Running Man, of course! In this article, we'll explain why Running Man is ...
Über die Entstehung und die Geschichte von "Hangul"

About the origin and history of "Hangul"

In 1443, King Sejong the Great, the fourth king of the Joseon Dynasty completed a project that changed the future for the Korean people. He created the Korean alphabet "Hangul". We have summarized ...
Wir bringen dir das koreanische Alphabet "Hangul" bei!

We will teach you the Korean alphabet "Hangul"!

It doesn't take much to learn the Korean alphabet "Hangul". For those who would like to start now and still need some help, we have put together some basic information. Among other things, we intro...
Warum wir K-Dramen lieben und du das auch solltest!

Why we love K-dramas and you should too!

Korean dramas are gaining popularity around the world. Netflix now has hundreds of K-dramas in its lineup! They are not only diverse and entertaining: Find out what they can teach us and why especi...