Das Warten hat ein Ende: Red Velvet kündigt neues Album an!
red velvet

The wait is over: Red Velvet announces a new album!

It's been almost seven months since Red Velvet released a new album. Previously, "Queendom" was released in August 2021. But now the wait is over, because on March 21, a new Korean album called "Th...
Solar, NCT Dream, Tan & ILY:1 füllen den März mit neuen Alben!

Solar, NCT Dream, Tan & ILY:1 fill March with new albums!

Today we're introducing you to the new albums from NCT Dream and Mamamoo's Solar. These are two more comebacks we can celebrate in March! In addition, we also welcome new talents that will soon mak...
Dreamcatcher & Mamamoo kommen am 15. Mai zum KPOP.FLEX Festival!

Dreamcatcher & Mamamoo are coming to KPOP.FLEX Festival on May 15!

K-Pop fans who have been on social media for the past few days have definitely not been able to avoid one topic: Kpop.Flex. Now, after much speculation, the final artists who will perform in Frankf...
Monsta X Kihyun startet mit "Voyager" seine Solo-Karriere!
monsta x

Monsta X Kihyun starts his solo career with "Voyager"!

In February last year, I.M released his first mini album "Duality". So it's about time that more members of the boy group start a solo career. So we are very happy that recently Kihyun's first albu...
Cherry Bullet veröffentlicht das neues Album "Cherry Wish"!
cherry bullet

Cherry Bullet releases new album "Cherry Wish"!

It's been over a year since Cherry Bullet released new music. In the meantime, members Jiwon, May and Bora were featured in "Girls Planet 999" and captured the hearts of K-Pop fans worldwide. A new...
Super Junior kehrt mit Special Single Album zurück!
super junior

Super Junior returns with a special single album!

The wait is over! Most recently, the Korean album "The Renaissance" with the title track "House Party" was released in March 2021. That was almost a year ago now. Fans have been longing for a comeb...
Stray Kids fragt: Willst du "Oddinary" sein? 
stray kids

Stray Kids asks: Do you want to be "Oddinary"?

Die erfolgreiche Boygroup hat ihre Fans letztes Jahr unter anderem mit dem Album “Noeasy”, der japanischen Single “Thunderous” und der special Holiday single “Christmas EveL” begeistert! Yesterday ...
Billlie hat ein Comeback im Februar angekündigt!

Billlie has announced a comeback in February!

The original six-piece girl group debuted on November 10, 2021 with their first album "The Billage of Perception: Chapter One" and the title track "Ring X Ring." The second physical album "The Coll...
Stray Kids Chocolate Factory - Neuer Merch zum Valentinstag!
stray kids

Stray Kids Chocolate Factory - New Merch for Valentine's Day!

Stray Kids teased a bunch of new fan merch on Twitter yesterday to celebrate Valentine's Day. Also, the guys will be hosting an online fan meeting on February 13! All together, it's titled "2ND#Lov...