Das sechste NCT Album in 2023 ist "Fact Check" von NCT 127!

The sixth NCT album in 2023 is "Fact Check" by NCT 127!

2023 is an exciting year for fans of NCT. A new Unit was formed, there was finally another album with all Units together and recently it has been decided which new members will debut in the last Un...
Die letzten sieben Mitglieder von NCT stehen fest!

The last seven members of NCT are confirmed!

"NCT is a group with an infinite number of members." With this concept, the boy group debuted in 2016, but SM announced earlier this year that the new Unit will be the last. And yesterday, it was f...
NCT's Taeil muss wegen einer Verletzung eine Pause einlegen.

NCT's Taeil has to take a break due to injury.

SM Entertainment announced a few hours ago that NCT's Taeil injured himself in an accident and needs surgery. Therefore, the singer will temporarily take a break and withdraw from his upcoming acti...
NCT beendet mit "Golden Age" eine großartige Ära!

NCT ends a great era with "Golden Age"!

Those who regularly check NCT's social media channels have already noticed that the boy group announced a comeback with the whole group yesterday! NCT followed up today with new details and reveale...
Hättest du gerne ein Souvenir von NCT 127's "The Link" Tour?

Would you like a souvenir from NCT 127's "The Link" tour?

Have you heard that NCT Dream is releasing a new album on July 17? We just reported about it and summarized some details for you. Now another unit is coming forward: NCT 127 announced a photo book ...
Das neue Album von NCT Dream heißt ISTJ und enthält 10 Songs!

The new album from NCT Dream is called ISTJ and contains 10 songs!

NCT Dream last released their winter album Candy in December 2022. That was half a year ago now. Time for something new, right? The boy group thought so too: today SM announced that Chenle, Jaemin ...
SM überrascht Fans mit neuen Plänen für Sungchan & Shotaro!

SM surprises fans with new plans for Sungchan & Shotaro!

Fans of Sungchan and Shotaro have been waiting for years for the two to debut in a new NCT unit. Now there is finally a light at the end of the tunnel, but it's not quite as expected: SM surprising...
Fans werden sich künftig an NCT und WayV ohne Lucas gewöhnen müssen.

Fans will have to get used to NCT and WayV without Lucas in the future

A few hours ago, SM Entertainment announced that Lucas will be leaving NCT and WayV. This news comes after the controversy surrounding his previous behavior towards his ex-girlfriend. You can find ...
NCT DOJAEJUNG veröffentlichen am 18. April ihr erstes Mini-Album!

NCT DOJAEJUNG release their first mini album on April 18!

Back on March 9, we learned that NCT's Doyoung, Jaehyun and Jungwoo will form a unit together and release an album in April. Now there are finally details: the unit is called NCT DOJAEJUNG and will...